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Ain't nobody got time for such complex English classes most schools offer.

SE4Co promises a clean strategy. 

About us

Established in 2016. Although we haven't been around that long, the system has proven results based only and only on your real interaction with natives speakers at work or just in your daily life.


Our philosophy focuses mainly on taking students back to their intrinsic learning method. The one they used back on those days when they were learning their native language.


Our method is simple and straight forward. 


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A bit of history. The company was started by a teacher who found out that traditional methods hadn't been quite effective at attacking real problems where students (especially Intermediate to Advance levels) had gotten plateaued.  By analyzing the reasons behind this current situation, it was developed a simple method where non-native English speakers can actually learn as if it was their mother language.


Its all about going back to the basics.




Our values can be described as: 


Create a class where respect is the number one rule.


Teach how you would like to be taught.


Teach them to learn by themselves.


Allow easy-talk and chit chat to improve their confidence and English mindset.


Allow the student to make mistakes. The more mistakes, the more corrections.

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